What’s on
Children and young people
Younger children
As well as the Wee Service at 9.40 on Sundays in term time we work closely with Corstorphine Primary School. As well as attending events in the school we regularly welcome groups from the school to the church for special services and history visits.
Youth group
A group for young people S1 and above takes place on the first Sunday of the month from 6.30pm. Recent activities have included rounders, film nights, a Black History walking tour and ten-pin bowling. There’s always pizza!
Uniformed organisations
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Scouts all meet regularly in the Church Hall.
Further information
All children and young people are welcome to join in the activities. The uniformed organisations have leaders outwith the church staff and the groups may have a waiting list. Contact the Church Office for more details.